Opening time: 9 am to 7pm (All Day during the week) 0466 249 555  
How It Works
Select your image
Take a browse through our categories and pick one or more images from our vastly stunning collection.
Specify your wall dimensions
We print the wallpaper from the exact measurements of your wall. Measure the width and the height of your wall. If any section of the wall has different heights or width, measure the highest and widest point to cover the whole wall. Add 5cm to your width and 5cm to height as a margin for installation adjustment, and any wall imperfections.

If you are unsure about the instructions above please contact us and we will arrange a free visit to measure your wall(s) dimensions accordingly.
Place your order
Go to CONTACT US tab or simply email us, and enter your image number and wall dimensions. We will get back to you soon after to confirm all details and make sure everything has been processed correctly. We will then follow up with the invoice after everything has been confirmed.

You would need to place a 50% deposit of the total price of wallpapers requested, to make order of your print. Afterwards we will contact you to book a installation date (2 weeks from ordering date is earliest we can install).